

Ọkụ pilot ihicha nkụ

Nkọwa ngwaahịa:

The Pilot Scale Vacuum Freeze Dryer agbanweela ọrụ na-agwụ ike nke usoro ihicha ọdịnala, gbochie mmetọ nke ihe, wee ghọta akpaaka nke ihicha sublimation. The draya nwere ọrụ nke shelf kpo oku na mmemme, nwere ike icheta ifriizi-ihicha usoro, Abịa na USB flash mbanye mmepụta ọrụ, adaba n'ihi na ọrụ na-edebe ifriizi-ihicha usoro nke ihe.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Uru ngwaahịa

● Ọnụ ụzọ akara nke ụlọ ihicha bụ ihe acrylic nke ọkwa ụgbọ elu, ike dị elu na-enweghị nkwụsị.

● Seven inch ezigbo agba ulo oru ihuenyo mmetụ, elu akara nkenke, kwụsiri ike ịrụ ọrụ, mfe ịrụ ọrụ na-enweghị ntụziaka ntuziaka.

● International ama brand compressor, elu arụmọrụ, ike ịzọpụta, ọzọ kwụsiri ike.

● valvụ ikuku, mmiri juru, akwa nchekwa nchekwa diaphragm, nwere ike ijikọ ya na gas inert iji gbasaa ndụ ihe.

● Akwụkwọ ntuziaka, nhọrọ ọnọdụ akpaka, a na-eji usoro ntuziaka eme ihe iji nyochaa usoro ahụ; Akpaaka mode maka tozuru okè usoro, otu click ọrụ.

● Ihuenyo nlekota; Nleba anya n'ezie nke ọnọdụ shelf, okpomọkụ ọnyà oyi, ogo agụụ na steeti ndị ọzọ na-arụ ọrụ.

● Ọnọdụ ndekọ data, ọtụtụ nhọrọ nke ndekọ data, mbupụ data na ọrụ ndị ọzọ.

● Ọnọdụ njikwa okpomọkụ n'oge ọ bụla ọrụ mgbanwe; Ọnọdụ ịrị elu na jụrụ oyi, yana ọnọdụ njikwa okpomọkụ dị larịị.

● Ọrụ njụta-ajụjụ curve na-akpọnwụ, ị nwere ike ịlele ọnọdụ okpomọkụ, oghere na akụkụ ndị ọzọ n'oge ọ bụla.

● Tọọ paswọọdụ ikike ọkwa onye ọrụ iji nweta njikwa ọrụ site na ikike.

● Igwe a nwere ike ịchekwa otu 40 nke usoro ịsa oyi, nke ọ bụla nwere ike ịmepụta ngalaba 36.

● Ọrụ na-ekpochapụ igwe a: ikpochapụ eke, ọrụ nchekwa dị elu.

Ọkụ pilot ihicha nkụ













Ọkụ pilot (1)

Ngwa ngwaahịa

Nlereanya ZLGJ-20 ZLGJ-30 ZLGJ-50 ZLGJ-100 ZLGJ-200 ZLG-300
Mpaghara akpọnwụwo (M2) 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.25 3.15
Okpomọkụ ọnyà oyi (℃)) <-75 (enweghị ibu)
Ultimate Vacuum(pa) <10 (enweghị ibu)
Ọnụego mgbapụta (L/S) 4 6 6 (220V)
8 (380V)
Ike ijide mmiri (Kg/24h) 4 6 8 15 >30 >45
Ụdị nke jụrụ oyi Ikuku jụrụ oyi
Ụdị iwepụ oyi Mwepu okpomoku dị elu Ntugharị eke Mwepu okpomoku dị elu Ịtinye mmiri
Ibu isi injin (Kg) 323 333 450 570 1200 1275
Nha Injin (mm) 800*800*1550 880*735*1320 960*785*1450 1020*780*1700 1200*2100*1700 900*2650*1580
Mgbakọta ike(W) 3500 5500 6500 135000 145000
Obere ihe (mm) 3 Tray ihe, nha 265*395*30 4 Ihe eji eme ihe, nha 295*335*30 4 Ihe Tray, nha 350*470*30 6 tray ihe eji eme ihe,
Nha 355*475*30
6 tray ihe eji eme ihe,
Nha 500*450*35
14 Tray ihe, nha 500*450*35
Okpomọkụ shelf (℃) -50 ℃ ~ 70 ℃
Shelf (mm) Shelf 3+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 50,
Nha shelf 270*400*15
Shelf 4+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 50,
Nha shelf 300*340*15
Shelf 4+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 50,
Nha shelf 360*480*18
Shelf 6+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 100,
Nha shelf 360*480*18
Shelf 5+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 80,
Nha shelf 505*905*18
Shelf 7+1 oyi akwa,
Oghere shelf 70, nha shelf 505*905*18
Isi ike na-eweta (VAC/HZ) 220/50 220/50 (Nhọrọ380/50) 380/50 3 Oge 5 Ahịrị 380/50
Okpomọkụ gburugburu (℃) 10 ℃ ~ 30 ℃
Okpomọkụ chere ihu ≤70%
Environment na-arụ ọrụ Gburugburu ebe a na-arụ ọrụ kwesịrị inwere onwe ya pụọ ​​na uzuzu na-akpa ike, ihe mgbawa, gas na-emebi emebi, yana nnyonye anya elektrọn siri ike.
Ọnọdụ Nchekwa Ụgbọ njem Okpomọkụ gburugburu (℃)) -40 ℃ ~ 50 ℃

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